Past Series

Sermon Series
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Love Reigns Over Our Future

Sunday Service From April 25th: The key to letting the love of God reign over our future is to cast all of our care on

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Loosing Heaven

Sunday Service From April 18th (second Service): Jesus said whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth

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Love Reigns Over Our Present

Sunday Service From April 18th: Many people struggle with discouragement and run from God because of their present tense sin, failures, and mistakes. They live

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Love Reigns Over Our Past

Sunday Service From April 11th: Many people cannot step into the present because they can’t let get over their past: past sins, past mistakes, and

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Love Reigns

Sunday Service From April 4th: On Easter Morning, Jesus rolled the stone away from his tomb-and with it, He rolled away death, fear, and hopelessness.

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The Spirit of Grace and Prayer

Sunday Service From March 28th: In this message, Pastor Brian will teach you about one of the major manifestations of the Holy Spirit; the Spirit

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Recognizing God’s Presence

Sunday Service From March 21st: In this insightful message, Pastor Brian will teach you how the key to experiencing a great move of God is

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New Lights

Sunday Service From March 14th: Jesus taught his disciples that new wine must be placed into new wineskins or otherwise the wineskins will burst and

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The Gospel of Peace

Sunday Service From March 7th: In this message Pastor Brian will teach you how the gospel of peace is the message we are called to

Grace Life Church of the Triad