Past Series

Sermon Series
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You Are God’s Masterpiece

Wednesday August 2nd: Ephesians 2 :10 says you are God’s workmanship created in Christ for good works that you should walk in them. In this

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Living From Heaven Toward Earth

Wednesday July 26th: When we receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation, we gain a capacity to get a fresh perspective on life. We will

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Avoiding the Devil’s Trap

Sunday Service From July 30th: Jesus taught us that offense is a trap the devil sets that will lead us out of God’s will for

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Why Did God Harden Pharaoh’s Heart?

Sunday Service From July 23rd: The Bible says God hardened Pharaoh’s heart. This leads to an important question, did Pharaoh have free will? More importantly,

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The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation

Wednesday July 19th: When we receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation that some power that raised Jesus from the dead now dwells on the

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Why Not?

Sunday Service From July 16th: Join us for a powerful morning of worship and the word as Craig Rumbley ministers about why not believe big?

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What Was Paul Thinking?

Wednesday July 12th: Ephesians 1:10 says that God would join heaven and earth together in Christ. That sounds really deep, but what does it mean

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The Goodness of God

Sunday Service From July 9th: Romans 9:15 says God will have mercy on whom He will have mercy and have compassion on whom He will

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Accepted in the Beloved

Wednesday June 28th: One of the keys to sustaining revival in your life is knowing you are accepted in the beloved! There is life in

Grace Life Church of the Triad