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Sermon Series
Revelation: A Letter to the 7 Churches

Overview of Revelation

Sunday Service From June 13th: In this message, Pastor Brian will give an overview of John’s letter to the seven churches in the book of

Revelation: A Letter to the 7 Churches

The First Works

Sunday Service From June 20th: The church at Ephesus was a hard working and productive church, yet Jesus told them to return to their first

Revelation: A Letter to the 7 Churches

Overcoming Persecution

Sunday Service From June 27th: In this powerful message, Pastor Brian will examine the church of Smyrna and teach you how to overcome persecution. The

Revelation: A Letter to the 7 Churches

Anatomy of a Revival

Sunday Service From July 4th: In this message, Pastor Brian will examine the most powerful revival in the New Testament that led to the formation

Revelation: A Letter to the 7 Churches

The Importance of Sound Doctrine

Sunday Service From July 11th: In this message, Pastor Brian will teach you about the church of Pergamos and how they fell into compromise because

Revelation: A Letter to the 7 Churches

The Spirit of Elijah

Sunday Service From July 25th: The prophet Elijah led the greatest revival in the Old Testament, however the revival was short lived because of wicked

Revelation: A Letter to the 7 Churches

The Fullness of the Spirit

Sunday Service From August 1st: In this message, Pastor Brian will teach you about Jesus’s message to the church in Sardis. Jesus wants us learn

Revelation: A Letter to the 7 Churches

The Lukewarm Church

Sunday Service From August 8th: In this message, Pastor Brian will teach you about Jesus’s message to the church at Laodicea. He told this church

Revelation: A Letter to the 7 Churches

The Open Door

Sunday Service From August 15th: Jesus told the church of Philadelphia that He had set an open door before them. What was this open door

Grace Life Church of the Triad