Life Groups

Community. Growth. Friendship.


We encourage anyone who is part of our church family to find transformation, discipleship, and growth in a Life Group. Life Groups are one of the best ways to find deeper connection to one another, and become an active part of Grace Life Church.
Healing University
Through Charis Healing University, you will gain a deeper understanding of what the Word of God says about healing and will be equipped to put this knowledge into practice in your life. Healing University includes extensive teachings on a multitude of topics on healing as well as guided application of these teachings. This course will firmly root you in what the Word of God says about healing and will equip you with the tools you need to put what you learn into action!

After each teaching we will discuss as a small group and pray for one another.

Leaders: Craig Rumbley, Fred and Kim Allen, Charles Marion 
Location: Church
Time: 7:00
Gender: Co-Ed
Divine Guidance
Does God’s voice seem distant in your life? Do you grapple with the fear that you’re missing out on His plans for you? In a world brimming with distractions, you can silence the noise and encounter His promptings. You were created to hear Him!

For over three decades, Duane Sheriff has discovered why so many Christians feel disconnected from the voice of God. Through his accessible and practical teachings, Duane demystifies the way God communicates and equips you to discern His voice amidst life’s chaos.

By confronting the common roadblocks that obstruct your spiritual ears, you will understand how to:

  • Recognize the different ways God speaks to us
  • Overcome the six barriers to hearing God’s voice
  • Nurture your inner spirit to be attuned to divine guidance
  • Embrace scripture as the bedrock for divine direction
  • Apply the critical role of multiple confirmations in understanding God’s will
  • Discover the importance of God’s love as the compass for your life choices
Hearing from God shouldn’t be a strenuous task but a natural, joy-filled communion. Say goodbye to the question marks overshadowing your spiritual walk, and step into the clarity and conviction of a life driven by divine whispers.
Leader: Kathy and Larry Di Meo
Location: Church (Conference Room)
Meets On:  Sundays at 9:00  A.M.
Gender: Co-Ed 
The Power of Imagination
Never underestimate your imagination! It’s not just a product of childhood fantasies. Imagination is a God-given dynamo that opens the doorway to your potential!
In The Power of Imagination, Andrew Wommack will unlock the power of your imagination and explain how you can put it to work giving you hope for the future. Without it, you’ll never fulfill God’s plan for your life. Circumstances will divert you and hardship will steal from you. But with it, you won’t be able to lose for winning!
Leader: Bob and Jean Blasingame
Location: Jamestown
Meets On: Thursdays at 7:00 P.M.
Gender: Co-Ed
Band of Brothers
Band of Brothers is the Men’s Ministry of Grace Life Church. In Christ, we are all brethren and our goal is to equip the brethren to be all they are called to be in Christ. All men are invited as we eat breakfast, fellowship, and then study the word together. This group is open to men of all ages. We’d love to have you join us.
Leader: Wayne Blakely
Overflow Room
Meets On:
Young Adults
This is a group of 18 to early 30-year-olds that meets and hangs out, prays together, etc. Our goal is to help young adults find community and discover their identity in Christ so they can make a difference in the world.
Leader: Success Okafor
Meets On: 
2nd Friday of the month at 6:00
We are having 5 different Wednesday night groups with 5 different leaders for our study of 1st John.
The Leaders are: 
Craig Rumbley
Herbert and Ebony Johnson
Segun Michael
Fred and Kim Allen
Charles Marion
Location: Church
Meets On: 
In this study of 1st John, we will delve into its profound themes, exploring the nature of Christ’s divinity, the importance of genuine fellowship with God and one another, and the distinctions between true believers and the antichrist. This letter encourages us to embrace a lifestyle rooted in light and truth, prompting both theological reflection and practical transformation in our daily lives. Prepare for a journey that challenges your beliefs and inspires intentional living in alignment with the teachings of Christ.
In this study, we will examine the book of 1st John.  It is a short by powerful letter with timeless insights about the divinity of Christ, fellowship with Christ and others, the differences between Christ and the antichrist, and how to walk in light.  Be prepared to be challenged theologically and in how you live your every day life.

Who Is Man?

We’d love to have you join us as we spend time breaking bread and studying the word together.

This term the Faith and Fellowship Group will be discussing the book Who Is Man by Arthur Meintjes. Below is an overview of the book:
Just as there is a Grossly Inaccurate concept and belief about God, there is also an Equally Destructive and Crippling belief in the Hearts of many Believers about the Significance, Value and Dignity of Man.

If we as Christian’s are not taught and instructed in a Proper Biblical sense of Self-worth that is based upon the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we will Seldom if ever be able to Experience the Truth of Gods word to work in our lives!

Leader: Bob and Jean Blasingame
Location: Jamestown
Meets On: Thursdays at 7:00 P.M.
Gender: Co-Ed

Sharper Than A Two-Edged Sword
Sharper Than A Two-Edged Sword is a compilation and summary of the sixteen most requested and important revelations God has given to Andrew Wommack. Some have even called these the Cliff Notes versions of his messages. Each chapter addresses a specific topic in an abbreviated form, making it much easier to see how these truths are related and dependent upon one another.
This is the ultimate discipleship study if you want to grow in the word line upon line and precept upon precept.
Leader: Craig and Melissa Rumbley
Meets On: 
 Fridays at 7:00  P.M.
Knowing and Experiencing God
The view you have of God will directly influence the quality of life you will live as a Christian.
God will never be real to you until you have a healthy visual concept of Him as He really is.
Join us for this powerful study as we dive into the word and get to know our Heavenly Father in a greater way!
Leader: Kathy and Larry Di Meo
Church (Conference Room)
Meets On: 
 Sundays at 9:00  A.M.
Don’t Limit God 20 Years Later
You have an image on the inside of you of who you are and what you can do. That image is also a ceiling, or limit, on what God can do in your life. It may shock you to learn that the limits you have placed on Him are directly proportional to how you see yourself. If you’re not prospering, if you’re not receiving healing, if your relationships are not working, the first thing you need to do is change how you imagine yourself on the inside. Andrew’s latest teaching, Don’t Limit God: Twenty Years Later, will help!
Learn how your imagination is much more important than you may have ever realized. It’s how you think, how you meditate, how you understand, and how you remember things. You really can’t do anything without an imagination, let alone do what God can do through you. Start seeing yourself the way God sees you and take the limits off God today!
Leader: Shirley Grochow and Shari Cook
Church (Overflow Room)
Meets On: 
 Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m.
Altogether Beautiful
Leader: Karyn Goss
Location: Greensboro
Meets On:
2nd and 4th Saturdays from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

In this small group for women, we will explore together what it means to be loved fiercely and viewed as “Beautiful” by the God of the Universe, through the verses of the Song of Songs. Join me as we journey through this poem of love to both better understand and apply the wisdom shared throughout the book; but to also challenge us to seek and securely live grounded in the identity from the one who made and called us “Beautiful” – Jesus!

Whether married or single, young or mature; I invite you to join me as we learn together to truly see ourselves in the truth that you are fiercely loved by God who declares you…Altogether Beautiful!

Throughout this small group, we will partner with the Holy Spirit as we journey through the Song of Songs, rendering a piece of prophetic art for you to take with you at the conclusion of our time together, as beautiful and as unique as Gods creation of you. I hope you’ll join me!

Material: You will need to purchase the study guide either through Amazon or Accompanying videos will be arranged and viewed together and all art material will be provided by host.

Becoming One

Marriage is the most important relationship God has given us here on earth. We need be intentional about making it GREAT. This group is meant for that purpose. We will focus our time on strategies to help take our marriages from good to great and fostering an environment for God to use our marriage to impact the world where we live.

Leaders: Brian and Emily Stokes
Location: Kernersville
Meets On: Saturdays at 5:00
Gender: Co-Ed

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Grace Life Church of the Triad