Behind The Scenes of the Christmas Story
Sunday Service From December 10th: In this revelatory message, Pastor Brian will take you behind the scenes of the Christmas story and how war broke
Sunday Service From December 10th: In this revelatory message, Pastor Brian will take you behind the scenes of the Christmas story and how war broke
Wednesday December 6th: In this insightful message, Pastor Brian, will teach you what the Bible says about the wife’s role in a godly marriage. Listen
Sunday Service From December 3rd In this powerful message Pastor Brian will share why the Son of God had to become a man so men
Wednesday November 29th: The Bible says husbands are supposed to love their wives the same way Christ loved the church. Learn what this truly means
Sunday Service From November 26th Hebrews 11:3 says God framed the world by the word of God! Words create worlds! Learn more in this powerful
Sunday Service From November 19th In this important message, Pastor Brian will teach you how to change the picture you see on the inside, so
Wednesday November 15th: God established the family as the institution He would both reveal Himself and perpetuate Himself through. Learn more as Pastor Brian gives
Sunday Service From November 12th The key to seeing double in your life is learning to see your situation through the finished work of the
Wednesday November 8th: Have you ever wondered if being filled with the spirit is a one time event or if it something we are supposed