When God Doesn’t Make Sense
It’s important to listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit when He speaks, even when He’s telling you to do things that don’t make sense. Learn more in this powerful article.
It’s important to listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit when He speaks, even when He’s telling you to do things that don’t make sense. Learn more in this powerful article.
Satan is the father of lies and he loves to lie about our Heavenly Father. One of the biggest lies he is telling about our Father is that God allowed the Corona Virus to teach people something. Learn more in this article.
2020 has been the craziest year of all of our lives. It’s been chaotic and changed the way we do life. The question is in the midst of all the chaos, where does the church go from here?Pastor Brian addresses will help you see the way forward in this article. The good news is Proverbs 4:18:But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.The way forward is clear, if we seek His face!
One of the reasons Jesus puts difficult people in our lives is so we can love them the way He does and speak over them what He is saying so they can become all they were destined to be. We are called to mine for the gold inside of difficult people!
One of the major keys to fulfill God’s plan for our lives is learning how to navigate expectation gaps. Expectation gaps are the chasm between what we believe and what we see. Learn more in this powerful article.
Once we give our lives to Jesus, His promises are our bread. They are made for us to feast on. Learn about how to receive from God in this article.
It is a myth that Christians shouldn’t talk politics or seek to implement Christian values into the political system. We have a mandate from heaven to do so. Learn more in this powerful article.
What is the the gospel of the kingdom? The Greek word for kingdom is basileía. It means royalty, i.e. (abstractly) rule, or (concretely) a realm. The kingdom Jesus preached about was a royal realm. The gospel Jesus preached about was about God’s royal realm coming to our earth.