Let’s Go On A Treasure Hunt
Learn more about what treasure has to do with your identity in Christ in this powerful blog by guest minister, Tonya McKinley.
Learn more about what treasure has to do with your identity in Christ in this powerful blog by guest minister, Tonya McKinley.
In this article Pastor Brian will teach you how to erase the spiritual graffiti that Satan is attempting to write all over all over masterpiece of your life.
There are times it feels like God’s promises aren’t coming to pass in our lives. This is where we have to learn to walk by truth and not what we see. Learn how to walk by faith and not sight in this powerful article.
Psychologists tell us that 90% of the things people worry about never come true. How crazy is it that many of us spend vast amounts of our lives worrying about things we can’t control and most of them don’t happen anyway? Learn how to defeat worry in this article!
One of the most controversial topics in the body of Christ is whether Christians should tithe today. Learn more in this insightful article.
It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. There is something powerful about visually seeing what someone has used language to try to describe. This is why looking at a map is so important when studying the Bible! Learn more in this really practical and insightful article.
In this important article, Pastor Brian will teach you about the importance of cultural context when we are trying to understand the meaning of the Bible.
Some people say the Bible is meant to be understood literally while others say it is a symbolic book. Which is it? Learn more in this important article.