Unity Is Not Uniformity
Many Christians confuse the spirit of unity which we are called to walk in with uniformity, which means we are all the same. Learn how to walk in unity with others who are different than you in this powerful article.
Many Christians confuse the spirit of unity which we are called to walk in with uniformity, which means we are all the same. Learn how to walk in unity with others who are different than you in this powerful article.
Have you ever wondered if God will take you out of His kingdom if you don’t bear fruit? Didn’t Jesus say that? Not exactly Learn more in this powerful article!
The message of God, which is about His kingdom (His rulership and dominion), comes with power! God wants us to do what feels risky and step out by faith and believe for miracles, signs, and wonders when we share our faith! Learn more in this article!
We are saved by grace, not good works, yet we are saved for good works. What an interesting paradox! Learn more about this apparent contradiction so you can grow in spiritual maturity in this article!
In a year where we’ve experienced a pandemic, rioting, political chaos, and cultural challenges unlike any we have ever seen, there is a cry in the church for revival. With that said, I have a question. Are you prepared for a revival? I didn’t ask if you want it, I asked if you are prepared? God wants to send revival more than we want it, but we must prepare ourselves!
Are you tired of the devil kicking your butt? I dare you to follow the advice in this article! In it Pastor Brian looks at one of Satan’s oldest tricks he uses to hinder the body of Christ!
Throughout scripture people would often bring natural problems to Jesus and He would often respond with spiritual answers. These answers were often mysteries to the hearers. Sometimes Jesus still does this to us today. When He does this we need to ask for the Holy Spirit to reveal the mystery to us so we can step into divine purpose! Learn more!
Of all the strange and terrible stuff that has happened over the last year cancel culture may be the most demonic at its root. It absolutely demeans the value of human existence and eliminates the wonder of personal growth. Cancel culture says this is who you are, you can’t change, we’re done with you.Jesus came to cancel Cancel Culture! Learn more in this article!