Recently as I was reading through the Bible a story jumped off the page at me about the miraculous power of God. I have learned that anytime this happens to me, the Holy Spirit wants to communicate something profound from the heart of God. The passage that stood out was the healing of the waters of Jericho in 2 Kings 2:
19 Then the men of the city said to Elisha, “Please notice, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees; but the water is bad, and the ground barren.”
20 And he said, “Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it.” So they brought it to him. 21 Then he went out to the source of the water, and cast in the salt there, and said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘I have healed this water; from it there shall be no more death or barrenness.’ ” 22 So the water remains healed to this day, according to the word of Elisha which he spoke.
This story stood out to me because it is very similar to the situation we are currently going through in the United States. Our land is pleasant just like Jericho, however, we are troubled by a virus that is bringing destruction the same way bad water and barren ground were bringing destruction to Jericho.
The men of the city came to Elisha in search of a solution. Elisha was a powerful man of God who walked in supernatural power. The men of Jericho didn’t have a natural solution to this problem so they had to seek supernatural help. Right now in America, we don’t have a natural solution to COVID-19 so we need supernatural help. The church is the key to unlocking healing the same Elisha was the key to unlocking the healing power of God for Jericho.
Elisha had an unusual response to problem in Jericho. He told the men of the city to put salt in a bowl and they brought it to him. Elisha then took the salt and cast it into the water and the water was healed. Understanding the unusual response is a key to understanding how God wants to heal our nation today.
In the Bible salt is symbolic of godly wisdom. This story is a picture of placing godly wisdom or the Supernatural Mind of Christ into a situation that is troubling humanity. I believe right now God is wanting to release an anointing of the Supernatural Mind of Christ into this situation that is troubling humanity. Two key aspects to the mind of Christ I want to look at are the power of God and love of God.
God has anointed Christians today with miraculous power that exceeds Elisha’s as we have Christ in us; Elijah didn’t. Many of us just don’t know how much power we have. Humanity needs us to walk in the miraculous power of God because the best scientists in the world haven’t come up with a cure yet. Humanity needs us to walk in the miraculous power of God because economists don’t have solutions about how to heal our economy.
The other part of the Supernatural Mind of Christ we need is the ability to walk in unconditional love to see our nation’s relationships healed. The COVID-19 pandemic has simultaneously revealed and exacerbated mistrust, anger, animosity, and hatred in this country. We need the wisdom of God to see the healing of relationships right now. We need our spiritual leaders to cast the salt of God in our midst so we see the healing of our relationships.
I believe we are about to see a massive revival in our nation. This revival will come from the power of God. The power to sustain this revival and see it increase in the next generation will come as we learn to think with the Supernatural Mind of Christ. We have to lay our lives and opinions down and have our minds renewed by the word of God (Romans 12:1-2).
We are the generation that has the privilege and responsibility of partnering with God to see the greatest miracle hit the earth since the resurrection of Jesus! This miracle is seeing take our nation and transforming our culture so it increases in the next generation.
I want to encourage you to spend time with God until your mind is renewed. You’ll know its renewed when that which was once impossible seems practical, when walking in miraculous power seems natural and loving people unconditionally is your new normal! I pray God puts a hunger in you for His word and the Holy Spirit so you can fulfill your divine purpose! Carpe Diem!
If you would like to learn more about the Supernatural Mind of Christ, check out this recent message.