You Are What You Think

The Bible teaches that our lives will follow our dominant thoughts. It can be easy to think thoughts of faith when everything is going our way, but how do control our thoughts in the middle of a storm. Learn more in this insightful article.

The Key To Following Jesus

Have you ever asked wondered what they key is to following Jesus successfully. The answer is denying self, which can only be done when we get a revelation of the divine entanglement. Learn more in this article by Pastor Brian.

The Art of Self-Denial

In this practical article, Pastor Brian will teach you the art to denying self so you can walk in all of God’s plan for your life.

Hearing From The Mercy Seat!

Our expectation of what someone is going to say will actually filter what we hear. Think about it, how many times have you been in a conversation and responded to what you thought someone was going to say instead of what they said? If this is true with people, how much more true is it with the invisible God? God speaks from the mercy seat today! Learn to change your filter to better hear His voice!

How To Share Your Faith Effectively

Sharing our faith can be one of the most difficult things in the world to do. Learn how to share your faith in Jesus effectively in this article.

The Power of Remembrance

I have thought a lot about remembrance over the last week since I was asked to write an article for Andrew Wommack Ministries about how Charis Bible College changed my life.  It was powerful to reflect on my personal journey as a believer and the life changing truths that were imparted to me at that […]

Grace Life Church of the Triad