What Is God’s Will For My Life?

What is God’s will for my life? This is one of the most prevalent questions people ask me as a minister. This is because there is something innate inside of all of us that knows we were made for a divine purpose, we often just struggle to know what that purpose is.Learn how to how to find God’s will for your life in this article.

God’s Will For Your Life Is Your Sexual Purity

In my experience as we are learn and obey the things the scripture is clear about, many of the things that we can’t get a specific scriptural reference for such as the career we are called to become clear.In this article, you will will learn how walking in the known will of God, sexual purity, will enable you to walk in the unknown will of God, your specific destiny.

God’s Will Is For You To Pray

The Bible teaches that God’s will is for everyone to pray. As obey the general will of God, prayer, we begin to pick up the Lord’s heartbeat about specific matters in our lives we need direction on like which career to choose or who to marry. Learn about the power of prayer in this insightful article.

God’s Will For Your Life Is For You To Be Spirit Filled

Being spirit filled isn’t just a singular event, it is supposed to be an ongoing lifestyle. Learn how God wants you to be full of His spirit at all times and learn how being full of His spirit will make you sensitive to His voice.

How To Study the Bible

Have you ever felt like the Bible was too complex to understand? If so, Pastor Brian wants to help. In this series of article He will teach you how to understand the Bible.

Grace Life Church of the Triad