Past Series

Sermon Series

Doing Your Passion

Sunday Message from May 27th: Have you ever wondered, “God what is my purpose in the earth?” If so, this is the message for you!

Overcoming Temptation

Sunday Message from May 20th: Have you ever struggled with temptation? Do you have bad habits or sins in your life you just can’t seem

Do I Have Two Natures?

Sunday Message from May 13th: If I”m a Christian, why do I still struggle with sin? Do I have a sin nature? If you have

Identity Theft

Sunday Message from April 29th: It’s been said that if you could ever discover who you were made to be you would never want to


Sunday Message from April 22nd: The world we live in is filled with stress, anxiety, and pressure. The pressure of this world will cause any

Walk In Newness Of Life

Sunday Message from April 15th: Have you ever asked, how do I change as Christian? Jesus has moved on the inside of me, but why

A Time of Transition

Sunday Message from April 8th: Jesus was the greatest transitional figure in history. He transitioned the Jewish people from the Old Covenant based on the

Light In A Dark Place

Sunday Message from April 1st: The world Jesus entered was a very dark place. He came to bring light in the midst of the darkness.

Grace Life Church of the Triad