Past Series

Earth, Wind, and Fire

Sunday Message from July 22nd: If we are going to learn to hear God, we have to learn to speak the language of God.  Much

The Language Of God

Sunday Message from July 8th: John 10:27 says my sheep hear my voice. The word of God says we hear Jesus’s voice, but one of

Little Things

Sunday Message from June 24th: Jesus said “My sheep hear my voice.” God is speaking but sometimes we don’t hear his voice. Sometimes it’s the

The Voice of The Father

Sunday Message from June 17th: In this first message in our “Hearing God” series, Pastor Brian teaches about how we all have filters that obstruct

Experiencing The Fullness Of God

Sunday Evening Message From June 10th: Are you experiencing the fullness of God in every area of your life? If not, please watch. Guest speaker

God’s Restoring Grace

Sunday Morning Message From June 10th: Guest Speaker, Arthur Meintjes, speaks on the restorative power of God’s grace. No matter what you’ve done, you can’t

Doing Your Passion

Sunday Message from May 27th: Have you ever wondered, “God what is my purpose in the earth?” If so, this is the message for you!

Overcoming Temptation

Sunday Message from May 20th: Have you ever struggled with temptation? Do you have bad habits or sins in your life you just can’t seem

Grace Life Church of the Triad