Building Margin

In this article, Pastor Brian will teach about the importance of having down time. Too many people try to squeeze 8 days of activities into a 7 day week. While this seems noble in some ways, being this busy can cause us to miss the voice of God.

Faith In Action

Jesus walked in such power it caused the Pharisees to ask Him where His authority came from. Do people ask you that question. If not, God is inviting you into a deeper encounter with His grace so you can live a life of excellence and power that reveals the authority of Jesus! Learn how that’s possible in this article.

Living From Rest

Jesus walked in such pJesus has called us to rest in His finished work. Learn what this means and how to apply this truth to your life!

What’s God Really Like?

In this article, Pastor Brian will teach you what God is really like. His true character and nature is better than any of us realize! Get ready to be blessed and to actually want to spend time with God!

Case Dismissed!

In this article, Pastor Brian will teach you how the charges against you have been dropped and your case has been dismissed! Does that seem to good to be true? Does it sound shocking God isn’t charging you with sin even when you don’t do everything right. Give this a read. You’ll be blessed.

What Is Jesus Praying Right Now?

Sometimes we get so busy in prayer making requests of God that we forget to ask, “What is Jesus praying for right now?” Have you ever thought about that? In this insightful article, Pastor Brian will answer that question.

Get Out Of My Garden

Have you Adam and Eve shouldn’t have gotten into a debate with the devil, they should have cast him out the garden. In this article, Pastor Brian will teach you how we need to cast the devil out of our garden’s today so we can live the blessed lives we are called to live.

Move Your But!

In this article, Pastor Brian will teach you how what you really believe is on the other side of your but! Learn how to move your but!

Why Do I Struggle To Seek God With My Whole Heart?

Have you ever wondered why you struggle to seek God with all your heart. If so, give this article a read as Pastor Brian addresses that question. He will also give you insight about how to yield to the Holy Spirit so you can follow God’s plan with all of your heart.

Revival To Reformation

In this article, Pastor Brian will teach you how we need a revival to lead to institutional reformation to see long term change in America.

Grace Life Church of the Triad